
Double iSmart Ending Explained: Shankar’s Mind-Bending Showdown with Big Bull

Double iSmart Ending Explained dives into a whirlwind of action and absurdity. Discover how Shankar seeks revenge against the ruthless Big Bull, navigating mind-bending twists and chaotic battles in this rollercoaster of a thriller.

Double iSmart tries to present itself as a mind-bending action thriller, but it ends up feeling absurd with no clear direction. The film uses cheap thrills, perverted behavior disguised as healthy flirting, and plenty of moments that will make you cringe. Sanjay Dutt plays a caricatured villain, while the protagonist, Ram Pothineni, portrays a man who often crosses moral boundaries, especially when it comes to women. Shankar’s love interest, played by Kavya Thapar, falls for him despite being mistreated, seeing his actions as harmless mischief.

Let’s dive into the chaotic plot of Double iSmart and see if there’s any sense to it.

What Happened to Shankar’s Mother?

Shankar’s mother, Pochamma, always taught him to be as fierce as a tiger, to fend for himself, fight for his rights, and never back down. Her husband had abandoned her without any explanation, leaving her feeling alone and hollow. One tragic day, a gangster named Big Bull killed Shankar’s mother in cold blood.

Big Bull’s father, upon discovering his son’s involvement in illegal activities, threatened to report him to the authorities. In a fit of rage, Big Bull killed his father. Unfortunately, Pochamma witnessed the crime. Terrified, she tried to escape with her son, but Big Bull, realizing she was the only witness, decided to silence her too.

He shot Shankar in front of her before killing her. To cover up his crime, Big Bull’s men threw their bodies on a railway track, presuming both were dead. However, Shankar survived. From that moment, his life’s mission became to seek revenge against Big Bull.

Shankar began by stealing from Big Bull, who remained unaware of Shankar’s involvement for a long time. But eventually, Big Bull realized he needed Shankar to survive.

Why Did Big Bull Need Shankar?

Big Bull’s world turned upside down when he suddenly lost consciousness on his way to threaten a Chinese competitor. After consulting with doctors, he learned he had a brain tumor and only three months to live. Desperate to extend his life, he turned to his personal doctor, Thomas, who suggested a radical solution: transferring his consciousness to another human being.

Thomas didn’t know if the procedure was possible, but he was willing to experiment. He discovered that Shankar, also known as iSmart Shankar, had a portable USB chip implanted in his brain, making him the perfect candidate for the transfer. Big Bull ordered his right-hand man, Bently, to capture Shankar in India. Big Bull himself couldn’t risk going there, as Indian intelligence agencies were after him.

Bently and his men soon realized that capturing Shankar wasn’t an easy task. Shankar killed most of Big Bull’s goons, but he surrendered when Bently captured Jannat, his love interest, and threatened to kill her. Shankar was then taken to Dr. Thomas’s lab.

Did Shankar Manage to Stop Big Bull?

Big Bull’s grand plan involved dividing the northern and southern parts of India. He aimed to create an independent nation comprising all the southern states, plunging it into chaos and unrest. In this turmoil, he planned to profit by selling guns and drugs to the youth.

At the end of Double iSmart, it is revealed that Big Bull never had a tumor. Shankar had approached the Indian intelligence agency RAW, asking them to forge Big Bull’s medical report to lure him back to India. Big Bull fell right into the trap, but he managed to capture Shankar and transferred his consciousness into Shankar’s brain. This created a scenario where Shankar had a “double sim” in his mind – a split personality where he could switch between himself and Big Bull at a tap on his head.

While acting as Big Bull, Shankar knew everything the gangster did – his bank passwords, secrets, and even details from his past. The two men began to collaborate, calling each other “brother,” creating chaos for law enforcement, who now had to deal with two criminals who thought alike.

Jannat and the RAW chief begged Shankar to compartmentalize his brain and gain control over it. But it was his mother’s memories that eventually brought him back to his true self. When Big Bull discovered the brain tumor diagnosis was a lie, he decided to kill Shankar. He shot Shankar, who fell to the ground. In that moment, Shankar experienced a vision from his past, lying similarly after Big Bull killed his mother. Fueled by rage and determination, Shankar forced his mind to break free from Big Bull’s control.

In the final moments of Double iSmart, Shankar rose and stabbed Big Bull with a spear, finally avenging his mother’s death. Shankar realized that if he ever struggled with his memories again, Dr. Thomas would always be a threat.


Double iSmart ends with Shankar exacting revenge, but the film leaves many unresolved threads and absurd twists. The chaotic plot and unconvincing character arcs make it unlikely that another installment could offer anything more than another confusing ride. One can only hope that the creators refrain from further stretching this franchise.

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