
Slow Horses Season 4 Episode 3 Recap & Ending Explained

Hey there, Slow Horses fans! We’re back with another thrilling episode from Season 4, and boy, do we have a lot to unpack. This show just keeps getting better, doesn’t it? Let’s dive into the twists and turns of Slow Horses Season 4 Episode 3, shall we?

Slow Horses Season 4 Episode 3 Recap

Alright, folks, buckle up because we’re in for a wild ride. Our man River Cartwright is knee-deep in French countryside drama, David Cartwright’s losing his marbles, and Jackson Lamb’s pulling his usual shenanigans. Let’s break it down.

Remember how River jetted off to France to dig up dirt on Adam Lockhead? Well, he’s found himself in a bit of a pickle. After waking up in a strange room (talk about a rough night), he comes face-to-face with a woman named Natasha. And boy, does she have a story to tell.

Turns out, Adam Lockhead isn’t Adam Lockhead at all. His real name is Bertrand, and he’s Natasha’s estranged son. But wait, it gets weirder. Bertrand was raised by a guy named Frank Harkness, who’s got this whole creepy cult leader vibe going on. Frank’s got a thing for getting women pregnant, taking the kids, and raising them as his own personal army. Yikes!

Here’s the kicker: that bomber from Westacres? He’s another one of Frank’s “sons.” It’s like a twisted family reunion, but with explosives.

Poor old David. The guy’s losing his grip on reality faster than you can say “MI5.” He’s babbling about killing his grandson (don’t worry, River’s fine) and dropping hints about the Westacres bombing. Catherine’s playing along, pretending to be some secretary to keep him calm. But you’ve got to wonder – does David know more than he’s letting on?

Jackson Lamb’s got a new thorn in his side: Emma Flyte, the new Dogs head. She’s not buying Lamb’s usual bull and even tries to arrest him for obstruction. But our crafty Lamb’s got an ace up his sleeve – he offers up David’s location to save his own skin.

Here’s where it gets good: Catherine, bless her heart, saw this coming. She stashed David in a neighbor’s apartment she was cat-sitting. Clever girl! But hold onto your hats, because David’s gone and wandered off. An old, confused ex-spy on the loose? This can’t end well.

Lamb’s not just sitting on his hands. He reaches out to Sam Chapman, David’s old bodyguard, to get the lowdown on this Lavande business. But Chapman’s got a tail, and not the furry kind.

Lamb sends Marcus and Shirley to keep an eye on things, but it all goes sideways. There’s a fight, a car chase, and Lamb himself showing up to save the day. Who knew the old grump had it in him?

Slow Horses Season 4 Episode 3 Ending Explained

So, where does this leave us? We’ve got a French cult leader with a vendetta, a missing David Cartwright, and a whole lot of questions.

River’s still in France, trying to piece together this Harkness puzzle. Lamb’s juggling Chapman’s safety and Flyte’s suspicions. And somewhere out there, David Cartwright is wandering around with who knows what secrets in his deteriorating mind.

The big question is: what’s the connection between David and Harkness? Why is this French weirdo so bent on revenge? And how many more bombs are we talking about here?

My money’s on River and Lamb cracking this case simultaneously – one from France, one from good ol’ England. But don’t count out Taverner and Whelan just yet. Something tells me Lamb might need to cut a deal before this is all over.

One thing’s for sure – Slow Horses is keeping us on our toes. With the assassin still on the loose and Frank Harkness pulling strings from the shadows, you can bet the next episode’s going to be a doozy.

So, what do you think? Will David be found before he spills state secrets to the wrong person? Can River unravel the mystery of Frank Harkness? And will Lamb ever catch a break? Guess we’ll have to tune in next time to find out. Until then, keep your wits about you, Slow Horses fans. In this game, you never know who’s watching!

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